At present, high-stress situation remains in Kazakhstan UPS with the electricity and capacity balance associated with high growth rates of electricity consumption. For nine months of 2021 in the same period in 2020, consumption growth amounted to 11.8% in the Southern zone, 5.8% in the Northern zone and 6.6% in the Western zone. In peak hours, power consumption exceeds last year's values by more than 1000-1500 MW, which is comparable to the consumption of an entire oblast, for example, Almatinskaya.
The situation is significantly aggravated by a shortage of generating capacities due to a large number of emergency and unscheduled repairs at power plants of Kazakhstan UPS. For example, the duration of emergency power outages since the beginning of 2021, compared to the same indicator in 2020, has increased by 25%. At the same time, for certain types of equipment, the increase in this indicator is much higher: the duration of emergency shutdowns of turbine units has more than doubled (+ 134%, 12,177 hours in 2020, 28,550 hours in 2021), the duration of emergency shutdowns of gas turbines has increased by 43%, power unit equipment by 18%.
The lack of generation leads to the impossibility of satisfying the clients in electricity and power. This, in turn, leads to significant deviations of the actual consumption by consumers of Kazakhstan UPS from the planned values. Power deviations in the power system are about 1000 MW, of which only in the Southern zone of Kazakhstan UPS deviations exceed 700 MW. Lack of generation, power and electricity deviations really threaten to disrupt the stability of Kazakhstan UPS, there is a risk of a major systemic accident. At the evening maximum, the cross-flow through the North-South transit of Kazakhstan UPS exceeds the permissible values. Due to the complete exhaustion of all available generation reserves, we note the need to carry out planned supplies from the neighbouring power systems for the purpose of replacing emergency generation and planned imports for consumers.
According to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KEGOC as a System Operator is obliged to ensure the reliability of the operation of the Unified Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If there is excess consumption, KEGOC will be forced to take measures for certain categories of consumers to comply with the consumption regime according to the planned values, in accordance with the requirements of the current laws.
On 5 October 2021, within responsibility entrusted on the System Operator, the following measures were taken to limit consumption in accordance with the schedules agreed with local executive bodies: Restrictions in the networks of Alatau Zharyk Company JSC - 75 MW. (overflow of 160 MW, over the range of 90 MW). Restrictions in the networks of Kyzylorda Regional Electric Network Company JSC - 31 MW (overrun 39 MW, over the range of 33 MW). Restrictions of Enegix JSC - 68 MW (over 100 MW, over the range of 90 MW).