Press releases

Information about the situation in Kazakhstan's Unified Energy System

This December saw a significant increase in energy consumption in Kazakhstan's Unified Power System (UPS).

E.g., on December 7, 2022, the historical maximum consumption of 16,459 MW was registered in Kazakhstan's energy system. At the same time the total generation capacity of the country's power plants was only 15,203 MW. The deficit was covered by unscheduled cross border power flows from the Russian energy system.

However, the national power grid, operated by KEGOC, operated reliably under such high loads.

A systematic shortage of generation to cover electricity and capacity demand arises due to frequent emergency and unscheduled repairs at domestic power plants.

Under conditions of significant imbalances, the System Operator, in order to ensure the reliable operation of the UPS of Kazakhstan, is forced to declare a "Failure" mode in Zones North, South and West of the Kazakhstan energy system, including the large industrial enterprises load shedding.

At the same time, fully meeting the electricity needs of the population is a priority for the System Operator.


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