Press releases

MAEC accident cased a large-scale power cut in Mangystau region

KEGOC reports that on 11 August 2023 at 14:20 Astana time two turbine units at MAEC CHPP-2 were shut down, which led to subsequent disconnections of consumer load: 45 MW in the Atyrau energy region and 98 MW in the Mangistau energy region.

The emergency control system operated normally and prevented serious consequences for the network and infrastructure facilities in general. Consumers of the 1st category, vital facilities, including hospitals were not affected.

Later, at 16:30, a new accident occurred: unit 3 at MAEC TPP switched off leading to a 147 MW drop. This led to load shedding: 55 MW in the Atyrau energy region and 35 MW in the Mangistau energy region. As a result, 220 kV Uralsk-Atyrau-Mangistau
220 kV line was overloaded again and at 16:35 line No.2540 was disconnected by the emergency control system. This led to isolated operations of Atyrau and Mangistau power regions, and disrupted operation of Kalamkas GTPP and Uralsk GTPP-200 power plants (reduced generation by 116 MW). At 16:58 the parallel operation of the Atyrau and Mangistau power regions was restored.

The national power grid continued to operate in normal mode, which allowed to partially replace the missing capacity.

At 19:15 all affected load in the Atyrau energy regions was reconnected.

As of 01:00 on 12 August 2023, about 108.5 MW of industrial load remain unpowered in Mangistau energy region.

The daily industrial load limits will be imposed until the completion of emergency recovery works at unit 3 of MAEC TPP to prevent overloading of the network. At the same time, the power supply to households and socially important facilities will be a priority.

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