On 25 April 2024 KEGOC-hosted public hearing presented a performance report with regard to the approved tariff estimate, implementation of the approved investment program, compliance with the quality and reliability standards for regulated services, and the achievement of performance KPI for a natural monopoly to consumers and other stakeholders for 2023.
On public hearing were presented with the following information:
- General information about KEGOC;
- KEGOC’s investment programme performance in 2023;
- Itemized 2023 performance for the regulator-approved regulated service tariff estimates;
- Compliance with regulated services quality and reliability standards;
- Achievement of performance targets of a natural monopoly;
- Operating, investing, financial, and economic performance of KEGOC in 2023;
- The amounts of electricity transmission, technical dispatching of electricity supply and consumption, and electricity generation and consumption balancing services.
- Customer relations with the regulated services clients;
- Future operations (development plans), including possible changes in the regulated service tariffs.
Presentation for public hearings in 2023