Press releases

KEGOC adopted a proposal to improve the reliability of power supply to the Kostanai power hub

Sarbaiskiye MES branch's rationalisation proposal with the economic effect to "Increase of reliability of power supply of Kostanay energy hub" was considered at the 6th meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of KEGOC on September 8, 2023. The proposal was approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of KEGOC and Sarbaiskiye MES branch will implement the proposal.

The essence of the proposal is to transfer the device of Automatic Line Load Relief (ALR) L-2066 from 1150 kV Kostanayskaya substation to 220 kV Tsentralnaya substation and to reconfigure the switchgear logic on the lines between substations of Kostanai power hub.

Under the existing transmission scheme in the region, in case of disconnection of 500 kV Kostanayskaya-Sokol line Tsentralnaya substation shall be connected through the lines of MezhRegionEnergoTransit LLP. The proposed transit scheme will avoid connection of Tsentralnaya substation through the third-party networks, and hence the cost of payment for services.

The authors of the rationalisation proposal: employees of "Sarbaiskiye MES" branch: V. Kovalev, senior RPA engineer, V. Kuznetsov, lead RPA engineer, S. Baishev, head of Kostanaisky RDC, and N. Kerimkulov, managing director for system services and NPG development (at the time of development of the rationalisation proposal was as chief engineer of Sarbaiskiye MES branch).

Earlier, technical evaluations and the estimation of the economic impact of the proposed solution were performed in conjunction with the company's competent structural units. According to internal procedure, the authors of the of the rationalisation proposal will receive reward when the innovation generates profits.

KEGOC annually considers employee proposals on optimisation and improvement of the operational processes. The best proposals are implemented and financially rewarded. Since 2013, a total of 254 rationalisation proposals have been implemented at KEGOC production facilities. Employees' ideas are aimed at solving everyday tasks and improving the Company's processes.


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