The Akmolinskiye MES Branch of KEGOC JSC was established in September 1997.
The head of the branch is Ramazan Dodeshev.
The core business of the branch is:
- Transmit power and electricity through electric networks from substation busbars and power stations in the volumes and modes set by the National Control Center of the System Operator;
- Prepare the optimal power system diagram in terms of reliability and efficiency.
Akmolinskiye MES (Astana) is headquartered in Akmola and North Kazakhstan region. The branch networks are an integral part of the Unified Energy System of Kazakhstan and are connected by intersystem power transmission lines with the networks of the branches Sarbaiskiye MES, Severnye MES and Tsentralnye MES, by interstate PTL with adjacent power-supply systems of the Russian Federation.
The power-supply systems of the branch transit electricity to the branches of "KEGOC" JSC Sarbaiskiye MES , Severnye MES and Tsentralnye MES, as well as to the adjacent power supply systems of the Russian Federation (Ural Interregional Control Office and Siberia Interregional Control Office).
The property of the branch includes overhead transmission lines in overhead clearance 10 – 1150 kV with total length 4230,431 km (circuits), and also 10 substations 220 – 1150 kV, with total capacity of 8136,6 MVA.
Power sources: regional power plants (Akmola Heat Power Plant 2, Petropavlovsk HPP-2, Yereymentau Wind-Power Plant 1, Astana EXPO-2017 WPP, Nura SPP) and local power plants (Akmola HPP-1, Stepnogorsk HPP, Sergeyev Hydropower Plant, Zenchenko WPP, Golden Energy WPP, Krasniy Yar WPP, Borey WPP, EnergoTrust WPP, Vostok Veter WPP, Alcor Energy WPP, Arkalykskaya – 1 WPP, Arkalykskaya – 2 WPP, Yelikti WPP, Jasil Jel Energy-1 WPP, Jasil Jel Energy-2 WPP, Sofiyevskaya WPP, PF Elektrsetstroy WPP).
Number of staff: 574 employees.
3/2 Ushkonyr Street, Ondiris Residential Area, Baikonyr District, Astana
tel .: +7 (7172) 69-33-59 Front Office.
tel .: +7 (7172) 69-33-00 Administrative Office.
tel .: +7 (7172) 69-33-52 Duty Operator, Regional Control Center.
Information on the capacity of power transmission lines and substations