Stages of ASCEA Creation

Wholesale market participant gets technical specifications for connection of its CMS

The first step in implementation of the CMS by a wholesale market participant (WMP) is to get the technical specifications (hereinafter referred to as “the TS”) for connection of its CMS to the CMS of the System Operator (SO) of Kazakhstan. The TS are issued to  a WMP a upon its official request addressed to the Managing Director for Operations and Capital Construction of KEGOC. To obtain the TS, the WMP shall provide a single-line electrical diagram of its networks, and technical and metrological data of all electricity metering points that are planned to be included in the projected CMS.

The issued TS shall include the following:

  • identification codes of a WMP determined by the SO of Kazakhstan according to the Rules for operation of the automated commercial metering system by the participants of the wholesale electricity market (approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 248 dated 30 March 2015 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 6 May 2015, No. 10957).
  • requirements for the communication channel between the CMS of the WMP and the CMS of the SO of Kazakhstan;
  • structure of the CMS information transmission protocol;
  • timing regulations for information transmission.


Appendix: sample of letter about issuing TC for connecting of ASCEA

Development of terms of reference for system design

After receiving the technical specifications for connection, a wholesale market participant (WMP) shall develop the terms of reference for the design of the CMS (hereinafter referred to as the ToR). The ToR could be developed by the WMP internally or contracted to a specialized organization with experience in the CMS design.

The ToR shall include:

  • The list of electricity metering complexes (EMC), data from which will be transmitted to the CMS of the SO of Kazakhstan;
  • Performance characteristics of EMC in accordance with section 5 of the Rules for operation of the automated commercial metering system by the participants of the wholesale electricity market (approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 248 dated 30 March 2015 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 6 May 2015, No. 10957).
  • The list of metering points required by the WMP for transmission from the CMS of the SO of Kazakhstan;
  • The TS for the connection of the CMS of the WMP to the CMS of the SO of Kazakhstan;
  • Existing telecommunication systems to be used for establishing CMS communication channels inside the WMP and for exchanging information with the SO of Kazakhstan.

The ToR shall be approved by of the WMP. After that the WMP shall submit it for approval (in triplicate) with a cover letter addressed to the Managing Director for Operations and Capital Construction of KEGOC.

Development of the technical design of the system and working documentation

After approval of the TOR by the SO of Kazakhstan, the WMP should develop a Technical Design for CMS (hereinafter referred to as “the TD”). The TD CMS shall describe in detail the technical solutions for all technical items in the ToR CMS.

The CMS design shall contain the following sections, in addition to those required by the standards:

  • Description of metrological support;
  • Reliability assessment;
  • The list of electricity metering complexes including technical and metrological characteristics of the instruments included in the complex.
  • Identification codes of electricity metering complexes;
  • Information exchange protocol with external systems;
  • Telecommunications facilities required for operation of CMS and the exchange of information with the System Operator;

Ultimately the Technical Design package of documents shall be approved by the WMP.

After that the WMP shall submit it for approval (in triplicate) with a cover letter addressed to the Managing Director for Operations of KEGOC. After the Technical Design is approved, a contract for installation and commissioning shall be concluded, and the contractor shall develop working documentation.

Installation and commissioning works

After completion of the installation and commissioning works the CMS of the WMP shall be ready to conduct pilot tests.

The pilot operation and appropriate tests

One of the most important stages of CMS implementation are the pilot tests. They shall confirm compliance with the technical, functional and metrological characteristics of CMS and its components in accordance with the Rules for operation of the automated commercial metering system by the participants of the wholesale electricity market (approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 248 dated 30 March 2015 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 6 May 2015, No. 10957).  

For transparency of the pilot testing, the commission shall involve representatives of the client, the designer, the SO of Kazakhstan, and representatives of other interested organizations. The commission shall examine the CMS according to the Programme of pilot tests approved by the SO of Kazakhstan and make a decision on putting the CMS into trial operation or set a deadline for rectify the identified deficiencies.

Based Pilot test report WMP shall issue an administrative order on putting the CMS into trial operation and send a copy of the order of the SO of Kazakhstan.

If failures are detected during the trial operation of the CMS, the WMP shall fix them and inform the SO of Kazakhstan about its readiness to re-launch the CMS into trial operation.

Commercial operation

This procedure is regulated by the Rules for operation of the automated commercial metering system by the participants of the wholesale electricity market.

