Procedure for the access to the National Power Grid

The access to the National Power Grid in Kazakhstan is regulated by the following documents:

  • Power Grid Code approved by the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Order No. 210 dated 18 December 2014, for the plants and power transmission organisations.
  • Rules for Electric Power Use approved by the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Order No. 143 dated 25 February 2015, for consumers.

In accordance with the Grid Code:

Technical specifications for grid connection of power generation to the utility network shall be issued in the following cases:

1) newly connected generation plants;

2) the upgraded existing generating plants with increased capacity;

3) change in the grid connection design of the user's power plant.

The technical conditions for grid connection of the users with 5 MW and higher declared electrical capacity shall be issued on the basis of the “Grid connection design of the power plant” developed by an expert design organization having a design license.

Pre-design documentation for construction of the new and reconstruction of the existing (rehabilitation, extension, technical re-equipment, upgrade, overhaul) power installations shall include the section on the 'Grid connection design for the power plant'.

The contents of the 'Grid connection design of the power plant', is given in appendix 3 to the Grid Code.

The ‘Grid connection design of the power plant’ shall be approved by a relevant organisation (power generation or power transmission), which is planned to provide connection to its networks, and the System Operator (KEGOC). 

The ‘Grid connection design of the power plant’ for the renewables shall be developed taking into account the electric power industry regulatory requirements in Kazakhstan.

Upon approval of the Grid connection design of power plant, the network user shall send  Requests for the existing or new generating plants to the appropriate power transmission (energy producing ) organization, which is planned to provide connection to its networks for the user. 

The power transmission (energy producing) organization that is planned provide connection to its networks for the user, shall issue a technical specification for grid connection, which shall include the following:

1) full name of an individual or legal entity who obtained the technical specifications;

2) name of the entity delivering power to the grid;

3) location of the entity (city, town, village, street);

4) agreed capacity of the power plant;

5) the nature of energy generation (continuous, temporary, seasonal);

6) power supply security class;

7) allowed power factor of the power plant;

8) connection points (substation, power plant or power line) with the connection scheme (in/out lines, power line branch, connection to the switchgear busbars of the substation and the power plant);

9) key technical requirements for the connection transmission lines (OHTL) and substation equipment;

10) substantiated requirements for upgrade (as may be required) of the existing electric network due to occurrence of a new power plant - larger conductor size, transformer replacement or uprating, construction of additional switchgear bays;

11) reason for issue of the technical specification;

12) validity period of the technical specification;

13) requirements for commercial metering of electricity;

14) requirements for equipping the power plant with relay protection and automation, and dispatch control: telemetering, telecontrol and communication channels;

15) requirements for reactive power control.

The technical conditions validity period shall be defined by the design and construction regulations for power plants.

The technical specification validity period for the construction in progress could be extended upon the request of the owner of the power plant, submitted before the expiration of their validity period.

The technical specifications shall be issued for a period not exceeding two calendar months from the date of network user request.

The development of the Grid connection design for power plant, pre-design and design documentation, and the implementation of actions required by the technical specification shall be at the expense of the network user.

After fulfilling the requirements of the technical condition, the power plant shall complete the comprehensive tests in accordance with the grid connection and power delivery design.

In accordance with the Rules for Electric Power Use:

The grid connection technical specifications shall be issued by an energy transmission or energy producing organization in the following cases:

1) new or reconstructed electrical installation to be connected the power grid of the energy transmission (energy producing) organization;

2) increased electrical power consumption in comparison to the previously issued technical specification;

3) changes in external power supply design;

4) changes in the power supply security class of consumers.

Technical conditions for electrical grid connection are issued to the consumer upon request in any form and on the basis of a questionnaire to the request in accordance with Appendix 3 to the Rules for Electric Power Use.

Consumers with the installed capacity of their power facilities of 5 MW and more shall attach to the questionnaire the external power supply design which shall be developed by a specialised design organisation that has a license for the design activity. 

The content of the external power supply design is given in appendix 4 to the Rules for Electric Power Use. External power supply schedule of a consumer shall be agreed on by a power transmission and/or power generation organisation whose network is to be used for connection.

For the power supply of construction in progress, the consumer shall receive the temporary technical specification for the construction period.

The technical specification shall be issued only when the connection to the grid of the power transmission organization or electrical installations of the energy producing organization is technically possible.

The fee for issuing and re-issuing of technical specification is not charged.

Sub-consumers, whose electrical installations shall be connected to the electrical networks of the consumers, shall receive the technical specification from consumers and approve them with the power transmission (energy producing) organization that issued the technical specification to the consumer.

The technical specification shall not be issued by an energy transmission or energy producing organization directly to sub-consumers as approved with the consumer.

The technical specification issued to the consumer for connection to the grid of a power transmission organisation or electrical installations of the energy producing organization shall include:

1) full name of an individual or legal entity who obtained the technical specifications;

2) name of the power consuming facility;

3) location of the entity (city, town, village, street);

4) allowed power consumption;

5) the nature of energy consumption (continuous, temporary, seasonal);

6) power supply security class;

7) allowed power factor;

8) connection points (substation, power plant or transmission line);

9) key technical requirements for the transmission lines (OHTL) and substation equipment subject to connection;

10) substantiated requirements for upgrade (as may be required) of the existing electric network due to occurrence of a new consumer - larger conductor size, transformer replacement or uprating, construction of additional switchgear bays;

11) reason for issue of the technical specification;

12) validity period of the technical specification.

The technical specification for the energy transmission (energy producing) organization, and also the consumers owing transformer substations with the commercial metering system (hereinafter referred to as ‘the CMR’), shall additionally include the requirements for:

  • commercial metering of electricity using the CMR;
  • equipping the power plant with relay protection and automation, and dispatch control: telemetering, telecontrol and communication channels;
  • reactive power control.

The technical conditions validity period shall be defined by the regulations of design and construction of electrical installation.

The technical specification validity period for the construction in progress could be extended upon the request of the consumer, submitted before the expiration of their validity period.

Technical specifications for connection of users of the grid with contracted capacity over 5 MW to the electric network of electricity transmission (electricity producing) organisation shall be agreed upon by the System Operator. Copies of technical specifications for connection of users with contracted capacity from 1 to 5 MW to the electric network of electricity transmission (electricity producing) organisation shall be submitted to the System Operator for information within a month.

If the System Operator does not agree upon the technical conditions for the connection of electric network users with a declared capacity of more than 5 MW to the electric network of the energy transmission (energy producing) organization, the electric network users will not be connected to the electric networks of the energy transmission (energy producing) organization.

Connection of digital miners

In accordance with the requirements of the Electric Power Industry Law:

Article 13, paragraph 14. Technical conditions for connection to electrical networks for digital miners shall be issued by energy transmission organizations exclusively for 35 kV or higher transformer substations with a permitted capacity of at least one megawatt (1 MW) in accordance with the electric power industry laws in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In accordance with the Rules for the use of electrical energy:

Clause 10. Energy transmitting or energy producing organizations, when issuing technical specifications for connection to electrical network for persons engaged in digital mining operations, shall notify the System Operator of the issuance of such technical specifications within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of issue.

System services provision and customer claims management  

Information on reserve, free and available capacities, capacitance, locations, and transmission capacities of KEGOC’s networks as of the 31 December of 2024:

Akmola IEN
Aktobe IEN
Almaty IEN
Eastern IEN
Western IEN
Sarbay IEN
Northern IEN
Central IEN
Southern IEN

