
The main areas of the Innovation and Technology Policy are:

1)      technological modernization of the national power grid through new approaches in the operational processes (automation, robotization, digital modelling, simulation, visualization, etc.), introduction of advanced technologies to improve energy efficiency and save resources;

2)      technological development and Industry 4.0; and

3)      implementation of KEGOC projects in territorial clusters, taking project details into account.

The main goals of the Innovation and Technology Policy are to: 

1)      create an innovative culture, including a culture of continuous efficiency improvement and loss reduction;

2)      use the scientific and creative potential of the initiators to solve socio-economic, production, environmental, process, and other tasks of KEGOC;

3)      involve all stakeholders in the process of developing and implementing innovations in KEGOC; and

4)      obtain synergistic benefits as a result of the process.






Total costs for innovation, million tenge





Implemented innovation projects

Name of the project

Years of implementation


Implementation of centralized emergency automation system



Implementation of automatic frequency and power control system



Implementation of Wide Area Management System (WAMS) 1st stage



Implementation of Wide Area Control System (WACS)


Benefits from completed projects

1. The centralised emergency automation system increases the power system's survivability by an order of magnitude by utilising completely new technologies for monitoring the power system's mode. In the event of an emergency violation, the system allows for a reduction in the volume of consumer restrictions.

2. The automatic frequency and power control system enables automatic frequency control during isolated operation of the Republic of Kazakhstan's power system and automatic control of power flow balance with neighbouring nations during parallel operation of power systems. The method reduces imbalances at the border with the Russian energy system by boosting the efficiency with which domestic power plants are used.

3. WAMS continuously monitors the power system's stability margins and performs a variety of additional network parameter analyses in real time. Synchronised measurements obtained from geographically dispersed points throughout the power system provide more reliable information about the current mode of operation of the electrical network, as well as allowing dispatch personnel to make decisions based on more complete information about the system's state. More accurate information allows dispatching personnel to better understand the current state of the electrical network, detect early signs of change and the development of dangerous states, and better determine, apply, and evaluate the effectiveness of control actions in order to prevent disruption of the power system's stable operation.

4. WACS automatically ensures the stability of the power system in the event of a violation of its regular operation state, as well as management of active power current flow in controlled portions. It can be used to build new adaptive power grid control systems depending on the existing system state parameters. The system increases the maximum permissible flow through the 500 kV North-South transit to be increased to 200 MW.

Implemented innovation projects

Name of the project

Years of implementation


Modernization of the SCADA/EMS system



Implementation of Wide Area Management System (WAMS) 2nd stage (expansion)



Pilot project for overhead line monitoring system



