Our Veterans


Lidia Nikitina was born on 17 January 1934 in St. Petersburg (Leningrad).

Father of Lidia Nikitina participated in the Soviet-Finnish War.

In the years of the Great Patriotic War, her mother defended the city from the Germans, was a victim of siege of Leningrad, dug trenches, and helped the wounded. LidiaNikitinacouldnotstayonthesidelines. Despite her young age, Lidia Nikitina together with other neighbour’s children and her sister, after bombing the city by the fascists, extinguished flame bombs with sand.  

Because of the War, Lidia Nikitina went to school at the age of 11. After school she entered the Leningrad Technical School. She studied at the Leningrad Technical School in gas and fuel department majoring in Instrumentation and Automation.

Having moved to Kazakhstan, Lidia Nikitina was employed by KazEnergoNaladka and worked there before she moved on to the next employment – the Ministry of Energy and Electrification in KazSSR. First she worked as librarian, and later – engineer, from which she went to well-deserved retirement.

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