Our Veterans


Pyotr Trofimov was born on 12 April 1927 in Voronezh oblast, in rural family, and lived in Russia till 14. Before the war, in 1940, his parents moved to Krivoi Rog, Ukraine. In 1941 the war started, which brought destruction, famine and sorrow. In 1944, Krivoi Rog was liberated by the Soviet Army. Pyotr Trofimov participated in reinstatement of mines destroyed by the Germans and followers of Stepan Bandera. The mines in Kramatorsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Krivoi Rog were reinstated. In 1952, he finished technical school and was sent to East Kazakhstan oblast to work at electric power plant (Bukhtarminsk HPP). In 1958, he got a komsomol voucher and was sent to construction of 'KarMetkombinat' as mechanic at concrete works. From 1963 to 1988 he worked at 'KarEnergo' till his retirement from the position of a senior dispatcher. At the same time Pyotr Trofimov was invited to Uchkombinat to conduct advance training courses for stations and substations engineers. Many times he was awarded Certificates of Honour for efficient performance. He has anniversary medals as participant of the Great Patriotic War.

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