
The institute of Ombudsman in KEGOC (hereinafter - the Company) was established as part of initiatives, measures and actions taken by the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Company in order to: 

  1. strengthen the measures to prevent and resolve labour disputes, conflicts of interest;
  2. improve the image of the Company; and
  3. improve the system of corporate culture, business ethics.

The Ombudsman operates in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter, the Collective Agreement, the Code of Conduct (business ethics code), the Corporate Governance Code, the Regulation on the Ombudsman of KEGOC, and other internal documents of the Company.

The Ombudsman is accountable directly to the Board of Directors, subordinate to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and carries out his activities independently of the internal units of the Company.

The members of the Board of Directors, officials and other employees of the Company shall not be allowed to interfere in the activity of the Ombudsman. 

The basic principles of the Ombudsman work shall be independence, neutrality and impartiality, confidentiality and informality. 

  1. Independence: 
    • The Ombudsman shall be independent in his activities and judgments;
    • The Ombudsman cannot hold another position in the Company that could affect his independence and neutrality. 
  2. Neutrality and impartiality: 
    • The Ombudsman shall be neutral, impartial and independent in considering the submissions; 
    • The Ombudsman shall not stand on the side of either of the conflicting (arguing) parties; 
    • The Ombudsman shall not have personal material and (or) intangible interests in the specific outcome of submission consideration. 
  3. Confidentiality: 
    • The Ombudsman shall not disclose any information unless he is authorised to do so by the submitting person, and even in this case, he shall decide this at his own discretion. The exceptions shall be established by the current legislation; 
    • The Ombudsman, when giving recommendations on the main trends, identified issues, existing policies and established practice, shall not disclose the names of those who applied to him. 
  4. Informality: 
    • The Ombudsman shall carry out his activities on an informal basis, in particular, shall listen, provide and receive information, materials and necessary explanations, and also, at his own discretion, engage the concerned persons on an informal basis; 
    • The Ombudsman's decisions shall not be binding and he shall not make formal decisions instead of (or for) the Company's officials; 
    • The Ombudsman shall only complement, but shall not replace, the available range of sources of resolving conflict (controversial) situations; 
    • A submission to the Ombudsman shall be voluntary, but not mandatory. 

By the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company dated 26 May 2022, Mr Erbol Makin was appointed the Ombudsman of KEGOC.

Phone number: +7 (7172) 69 05 31


Postal address: 59 Tauyelsizdik  ave, 010010,  Astana, Attn: Ombudsmen of KEGOC 

Call center "Nysana" accepts free calls for all social labor violations 24/7:

- multichannel telephone 8-800-080-30-30;

- WhatssApp 8-702-075-30-30;

- Website;

- Email

KEGOC Ombudsman Progress Report 2023
Key provisions of the Code of Conduct (Business Ethics Code) of KEGOC
Regulations on Ombudsman of KEGOC JSC
Code of Conduct (Business Ethics Code)of KEGOC JSC
Corporate Governance Code of KEGOC JSC
Corporate conflict settlement policy KEGOC JSC
KEGOC Policy on settlement of conflict of interest of the officials and employees

