KEGOC's main goals in energy saving and energy efficiency improvement are to reduce the volume of consumed fuel and energy resources, including by reducing auxiliary energy consumption at KEGOC facilities, reducing technological losses of electricity in the NPG, improving energy consumption control mechanisms and equipment of Company facilities with electricity and other fuel and energy resource metres, and organising information collection on energy consumption.
Fuel and energy consumption in 2023, GJ
Electricity |
10 620 994,79 |
Heat power |
78 876,88 |
Fuel |
117 944,77 |
including: |
39 368,35 |
75 205,83 |
3 066,10 |
304,49 |
10 817 816,44 |
Consumption of fuel and energy resources in 2023 increased by 443,188.44 GJ compared to 2022 due to an increase in electricity consumption due to an increase in the volume of supply to the grid, and a corresponding increase in electricity losses and updating of regulations on conversion from natural units to Joules.
In 2022, specific energy consumption amounted to 0.043 GJ / KZT thousand of revenue.
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Electricity consumption |
2 917.43 |
2 796.76 |
3 059.92 |
2 824.90 |
2 950.28 |
Including from RES |
163.58 |
162.67 |
32.41 |
14.23 |
205.71* |
* In connection with the amendments introduced in 2023 to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Electric Power Industry’, from July 1, 2023, a single electricity buyer buys electricity from all energy-producing organizations connected to the NPG, including from renewable energy sources. In this regard, this indicator was calculated based on the share of renewable energy generated electricity in the total volume of electricity generation.
The greatest effect, in terms of reducing energy consumption, is provided by measures to reduce the technological consumption of electric energy for transmission over electric networks.
The UPS of the Republic of Kazakhstan is mainly characterized by the concentration of powerful energy sources in the Northern zone and the presence of long (about 1,000 km) transit power lines (the main directions of transit North — South of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region — Aktobe region) — this is due to the large territory of the country and has a significant impact on the level of technological electricity consumption (technical losses). Technical losses in the KEGOC JSC network also depend on the operating modes of the energy systems of neighboring countries (transit, export and import of electricity) and climatic conditions.
The technical losses of KEGOC JSC in 2023 amounted to 2.923 billion kWh, or 5% of the electricity supply to the grid.
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that technical losses of electricity are losses of electricity caused by physical processes in wires and electrical equipment occurring during the transmission of electricity through electric networks, and accordingly, the main purpose of planning and carrying out measures to reduce electricity losses in electric networks is to bring the actual value of technical losses of electricity to their optimal level.
Climate change can lead to the risk of excessive losses in the transmission of electricity. Therefore, when developing measures to mitigate this risk, as well as reduce electricity losses, the Company analyzes climatic factors and analyzes actual electricity losses in the KEGOC JSC network.
As a result of the implementation of measures to reduce electricity losses within the framework of managing the modes of the UPS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the reduction in electricity consumption in 2023 amounted to 4,058 million kWh.
In accordance with the requirement of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement’, KEGOC and Incom Company LLP entered into a contract for energy audit, which resulted in the approval of the Action Plan on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement for 2021-2025, with the potential to reduce energy resources consumption in the amount of 4,977.522 t.c.e. It includes implementation of the following measures: